CEWSE 1st International Seminar „Migration governance in Europe and public goods”
CEWSE 1st International Seminar „Migration governance in Europe and public goods”
19.03.2025, 15.30-17.00, (a hybrid event: online and onsite)
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Aleja Niepodległości 162, Building G, Room 151 & MST (hybrid)
15.30-15.45 – Welcome addresses
Professor Ewa Latoszek – Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project – CEWSE II, Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, PECSA
Dr Anna Masłoń-Oracz – Holder of Jean Monnet Module AFROEU, International Strategies Unit, Institute of Management, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Rector’s Representative for Africa at SGH, CEWSE, PECSA
15.45-16.45 – Panel discussion „Migration governance in Europe and public goods”
Dr Marta Pachocka, Department of Political Studies, Institute of International Studies, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, CEWSE, PECSA
Dr Diego Caballero-Vélez – University of Messina, Italy – „Migration and Public Goods: Challenges and Responses in Central and Eastern Europe”
Dr Edina Lilla Mészáros – Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania and ECSA-Romania – „Migration governance and integration in a country of emigration. Case study: Romania”
16.45-17.00 – Closing remarks
Dr Anna Masłoń-Oracz – Holder of Jean Monnet Module AFROEU, International Strategies Unit, Institute of Management, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Rector’s Representative for Africa at SGH, CEWSE, PECSA
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at SGH – CEWSE II on “Global Public Goods Management and Sustainable Growth in the Policy and Practice of the EU”
Jean Monnet Chair of the European Union, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
International Strategies Unit, Institute of Management, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Department of Political Studies, Institute of International Studies, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA)
Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, Poland
Department of European Studies, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Department of International Economic Relations, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Department of International Economics and Economic Development, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies National University of Kyiv-Mohhyla Academy, Ukraine
Jean Monnet Module AFROEU at SGH, Poland
Jean Monnet Module EU4AFRI at SGH, Poland
Jean Monnet Module EUCLIME at SGH, Poland
Jean Monnet Module EUHatEq at the Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland
Jean Monnet Module EUMIGRO at SGH, Poland
Jean Monnet Module EUSEC at SGH, Poland
Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Liceul Tehnologic Economic „Elina Matei Basarab” Râmnicu Sărat, Romania
University of Messina, Italy
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
VSB Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine

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